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Sachin Arora Sir

Sachin Arora Sir

Renowned Geography faculty, with over 15 years’ experience of mentoring thousands of Civil Services Aspirants, with many making it to the Top Ranks. Sachin Sir has developed unique and precise techniques to meet demands of CSE Prelims, Mains & Interview. Sachin Sir believes in making learning highly purposeful and enjoyable for his students. What students admire most in his classes is his out of the box thinking that totally alters the learning perspective of the students.

His rich experiences from the graduate and post graduate courses he did at Delhi University (DU) and Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), give him a strong academic grounding. His sailing career as a Mariner on ships, not only gave him a chance to explore the world but also gave him the solid practical and professional approach that is need to achieve results in given time.

You can join his classes to see him teaching various subjects or improving your reading and writing skills or just playfully grooming your personality in the interview sessions. He has been successfully running popular offline Courses like MasterStroke Geography & Essay, WSDP Writing Skill Course, Enviromatics Course for GS Environment, and many more.

Now at KGS, he is ready to give you his complete support and strategies to achieve your dream of becoming a Civil Servant.

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We love learning. Through our innovative solutions, we encourage ourselves, our teams, and our Students to grow. We welcome and look for diverse perspectives and opinions because they enhance our decisions. We strive to understand the big picture and how we contribute to the company’s objectives. We approach challenges with optimism and harness the power of teamwork to accomplish our goals. These aren’t just pretty words to post on the office wall. This is who we are. It’s how we work. And it’s how we approach every interaction with each other and our Students.

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