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Dhrub Singh Sir

Dhrub Singh Sir

A renowned Aptitude Test trainer, very popular among Civil Services aspirants of Delhi and across India. His first love is Mathematics and Logic. Since he began teaching in 2002, he has trained over 50,000 students and guided thousands of students in becoming successful. His unique pedagogy helps young minds develop

logical, analytical, and problem-solving skills. He holds a postgraduate degree in Mathematics from Delhi University's Hindu College. You can join Dhrub Sir’s classes to realise your potential. You can be part of his CSAT and Mathematics optional classes at KGS IAS and can turn your dream of becoming a Civil Servant into reality.

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We love learning. Through our innovative solutions, we encourage ourselves, our teams, and our Students to grow. We welcome and look for diverse perspectives and opinions because they enhance our decisions. We strive to understand the big picture and how we contribute to the company’s objectives. We approach challenges with optimism and harness the power of teamwork to accomplish our goals. These aren’t just pretty words to post on the office wall. This is who we are. It’s how we work. And it’s how we approach every interaction with each other and our Students.

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